ANTOAN VILL Ltd successfully closes project No BG05M9OP001-1.003-0125-C01, “Creating conditions for sustainable employment at ANTOAN VILL through new job openings” under Operational Programme Development of the Human Resources 2014 - 2020, co-funded by the European Union via the European Social Fund. The project grant is 136 500.11 BGN, 100% of which subsidy – e.g. 136 500.11 BGN. Out of them the European Social Fund provided 116 025.09 BGN and the national co-funding amounts to – 20 475.02 BGN. The place where the project is implemented is the city of Rousse. The period of the project was 14 months, starting from 01st of October 2017 and ends on 01.12.2017.
You can find more information about the realized project goals and the achieved project results in the file available for download.