Development of the management capacity of Antoan Vill EOOD through implementing an ICT-based management system for the company’s business processes

On 13.03.2017 between Antoan Vill EOOD and the Ministry of the Economy, Grant Contract No BG16RFOP002-2.002-0515-C01 was concluded under Operational Programme “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, procedure BG16RFOP002-2.002“Development of SME’s management capacity and growth”, name of the project “Development of the management capacity of Antoan Vill EOOD through implementing an ICT-based management system for the company’s business processes.”


The project’s overall aim is to develop the management capacity and the competitiveness of Antoan Vill and to support its growth through:

·        Updating the company management through introducing a uniform ICT-based management system for the company’s business processes;

·        Improving the quality and efficiency of the company’s organizational activities;

·        Encouraging the use of information and communication technologies at the company;

·        Reaching compliance with current environmental protection policies.


The envisaged objectives will be achieved through the successful implementation of the project activities, which include the acquisition and implementation of an ICT-based management software for the company’s business processes and the hardware equipment needed for it.


The successful project implementation will lead to the following specific results for Antoan Vill:

·        Improving the competitiveness of Antoan Vill through improving model of management and organization of the main processes;

·        Overall better planning and management of the company’s processes;

·        Encouraging the use of information and communication technologies at the company;

·        Increasing sales revenues and improving the company’s market positions;

·        Overall enhanced management capacity and new growth possibilities for Antoan Vill.

The total project value is BGN132,317.00, of which BGN92,621.90 is a grant, comprising 70% of the total eligible project costs, and BGN39,695.10 own funding, comprising 30% of the total eligible project costs. 


Implementation period: 16 months