ANTOAN VILL LTD concluded contract No. BG05SFPR002-1.004-0711-C01 for the provision of a grant under procedure BG05SFPR002-1.004 Adapted working envir

The main objective of the project is to ensure a healthy and well-adapted working environment in ANTOINE VILLE EOOD, by implementing measures to reorganize work processes and places with a view to promoting ecological thinking and resource efficiency

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ANTOAN VILL LTD concluded Contract No. BG16RFPR001-1.003-0577-C01 “Implementation of product innovation in the production of ANTOAN VILL LTD”, finance

The overall goal of the project is to increase the innovation capacity and competitiveness of ANTOINE VILLE through the implementation and market realization of product innovation at a world level in one of the thematic areas of ISIS "New techno

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Тръжна процедура във връзка с изпълнение на проект „Подкрепа за преход към кръгова икономика“, Договор № BG-RRP-3.008-0197-C01

Тръжна процедура във връзка с изпълнение на проект „Подкрепа за преход към кръгова икономика“, Договор № BG-RRP-3.008-0197-C01

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Тръжна процедура във връзка с изпълнение на проект „Технологична модернизация в предприятието“, Договор № BG-RRP-3.004-2321-C01

Тръжна процедура във връзка с изпълнение на проект „Технологична модернизация в предприятието“, Договор № BG-RRP-3.004-2321-C01

Публикуваме на Вашето внимание комплекта с изискуеми тръжни документи за участие в процедура за определяне на изпълните

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Тръжна процедура във връзка с изпълнение на проект „Технологична модернизация в предприятието“, Договор № BG-RRP-3.004-2321-C01

Тръжна процедура във връзка с изпълнение на проект „Технологична модернизация в предприятието“, Договор № BG-RRP-3.004-2321-C01

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ANTOIN VIL ltd. has signed contract No. BG-RRP-3.008-0197-C01 for the provision of financial grant aid under procedure BG-RRP-3.008 "Support for

The main objective of the project is to contribute to accelerating the transition to a circular economy by providing grants to a manufacturing enterprise for the introduction of circular resource use models and the implementation of climate-neutral p

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ANTOAN VILL EOOD is implementing a project to increase its production capacity and competitiveness

The project "Technological modernization in the enterprise" is carried out within the framework of contract BG-RRP-3.004-2321-C01, procedure BG-RRP-3.004 "Technological modernization" of the National plan for recovery and sustaina

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A manufacturer of women's clothing has started the construction of a new distribution center in Ruse

Antoan Vill Ltd. has started the construction of a new distribution center in Ruse

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Antoaneta Antonova - owner of Antoan Vill and member of the Board of Directors of BATOK was part of the OBC delegation in Tashkent.

She attended the official meeting with the leadership of the Agency for External Labor Migration

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Възстановяване на МСП чрез подобряване на енергийната ефективност

„Антоан Вилл“ ЕООД стартира изпълнението на проект № BG16RFOP002-6.002-0264-C01 “Възстановяване на МСП чрез подобряване на енергийната ефективност”

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Antoan Vill is looking for a sampling sewing specialist

For our team we are looking for a responsible and smiling colleague for the implementation of models in the Design Department.

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Antoan Vill Company took part in Milano Unica and IDEABIELLA exhibitions

In the period 1st – 3rd of February 2022 Antoan Vill Company took part in the trade mission organized

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Antoan Vill won first place in the National Competition "Green Companies in Bulgaria”

Antoan Vill won first place in the "Industry and Manufacturing Sector" category<br />
during the 11th edition of the prestigious competition, featuring the Most<br />
Green Businesses in the country.

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Antoаn Vill has launched the implementation of the project №BG16RFOP002-2.077-1278-C01 "Support for medium-sized enterprises to overcome the econ

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Students from Ruse learn the details of the sewing industry in a real environment

A partnership between Ruse High School of Clothing and the leader in the sewing industry "Antoan Vill" helps high school students to have a successful career start.

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Antoaneta Antonova, owner of Antoan Vill and member of the board of directors at BATOK, at Bulgaria ON AIR.

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Does Bulgaria have the capacity to cover the global need for new suppliers in the world of fashion?

The textile industry in Bulgaria has a world standard like no other- states Antoaneta Antonova, owner of one of the top manufacturing companies for women`s clothing.

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Interview with the manager of "Antoan Vill" Mrs. Antoaneta Antonova in front of the National Television

In a rapidly changing, dynamic and even stressful environment at the beginning of the state of emergency introduced to curb the Coronavirus pandemic, Antoine Will quickly restructured its production processes and began offering quality protective mas

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First quantities of safety facemasks are already available

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"We are ready to begin sewing safety facemasks", said for Briag News the owner of Antoan Vill – Antoaneta Antonova

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Antoan Vill

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Human Resources Development of Antoine Vill through Continuous Skills Development - Higher, Better and Sustainable Employment

Antoine Vill EOOD has concluded a grant contract №BG05M9OP001-1.057-0009-C01 with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy under Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2014-2020, project selection procedure BG05M9OP001-1.057, name

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Antoan Vill at TMT Ekspo 2019

Key employees of Antoan Vill visited the annual exhibition TMT Expo - the professional platform of the textile sector, which points out the trending opportunities in the textile and sewing industry.

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Antoan Vill on a regional meeting to report progress on the implementation of the Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (ISIS) on the top

On June 25, 2019, in the hall "St. Georgi "of the Regional Administration of Rousse was held a regional meeting to report progress on the implementation of the Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (ISIS) on the topic" Mec

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Antoan Vill at Business Networking Event

Antoan Vill took participation at Business Networking Event held by Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with BNI Bulgaria and BNI Romania.

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Antoan Vill at Business Networking Event

Antoan Vill took participation at Business Networking Event held by Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with BNI Bulgaria and BNI Romania.

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Antoan Vill at Texprocess in Frankfurt, Germany

Antoan Vill is currently visiting Texprocess – the leading international trade fair for processing textile and flexible materials from 14 to 17 May 2019 in Frankfurt am Main.

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Antoan Vill at the national conference "Yes!" to the textile, clothing and leather sector in Bulgaria

Antoine Ville was a participant and co-sponsor at the national conference "Yes!" to the textile, clothing and leather sector in Bulgaria, which was held on May 10th 2019 in Ruse.

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Antoan Vill - Judge at National Competitions of Fashion,Hairdressing and MakeUp

Antoan Vill took participation as a judge at two attractive national competitions - "Young Fashion Talents" and "Best Young Hairdresser and Make-up Artist" in Haskovo on April 24th 2019.

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Antoan Vill - Judge at National Competitions of Fashion,Hairdressing and MakeUp

Antoan Vill was a judge at two attractive national competitions - "Young Talents in Fashion" and "Best Young Hairdresser and Make-up Artist" in Hasjowo on April 24th 2019.

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Antoan Vill at Business forum discussing the prospects and challenges for the development of the companies in the Ruse region

Antoan Vill took participation in a meeting with the business, which was a part of the celebrations on the occasion of the 129th anniversary of the establishment of the "First Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce" - Ruse.

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Antoan Vill at a Charity fashion show Suportin a Local Charity Foundation

Antoan Vill took participation in a charitable coctail fashion show to support a local foundation.

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Antoan Vill at B2B meeting in Athnes, stage-managed by Human Resources Development Agency

Antoan Vill participated in B2B meeting, part of series of business missions, stage-managed by Human Resources Development Agency, together with HMA- Greece, LCCI Cyprus, GAUSS Institute- FYROM and CCP- Albania.

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Antoan Vill at prestigious Premier Vision 12-14.02.2019

Our fashion Brand is at the prestigious Premier Vision 12-14.02.2019

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Presentation of Regional Innovation Centers Concept

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Antoan Vill at the Clothing Machinery Fair 2018, Istanbul

Antoan Vill visited the „Clothing Machinery Fair” which was held for the 26th time in 20-23 September 2018. Antoan Vill`s team had the great opportunity to meet all the leading manufacturers of clothing, sewing and embroidery machines.

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ANTOAN VILL at Premiere Vision 2018 Istanbul

Antoan Vill visited the recent Premiere Vision held between 07th and 09th of March 2018

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ANTOAN VILL at the MILANO UNICA Trade show in Italy

ANTOAN VILL visited the MILANO UNICA Trade show in Italy in february 2017

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Antoan Vill wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018!

Antoan Vill wishes Happy and Beautiful Holiday Season to our clients and partners!

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ANTOAN VILL Ltd successfully closes project No BG05M9OP001-1.003-0125-C01 under Programme Development of the Human Resources 2014 - 2020

ANTOAN VILL Ltd successfully closes project under OP Development of the Human Resources 2014 - 2020

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ANTOAN VILL announces a procedure through public invitation for the selection of a supplier

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ANTOAN VILL takes part in TV discussion on the garment manufacturing sector on BNT1

Antoaneta Antonova, General Manager of Antoan Vill participated in a debate about the apparel industry in Rousse aired on the morning show of the national television.

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Публично съобщение за набиране на ценови предложения за избор на изпълнител за „Изработка на визуализационни материали“

На основание чл. 2, ал. 7 от ПМС № 160/01.07.2016 г. Антоан Вилл ЕООД оповестява публично съобщение за набиране на ценови предложения за избор на изпълнител за „Изработка на визуализационни...

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ANTOAN VILL collects price offers from suppliers of visual materials in connection with EU project

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ANTOAN VILL at the TEXPROCESS 2017 international trade fair

ANTOAN VILL at the TEXPROCESS 2017 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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Development of the management capacity of Antoan Vill EOOD through implementing an ICT-based management system for the company’s business processes

Antoan Vill EOOD signed Grant Contract No BG16RFOP002-2.002-0515-C01 with the Ministry of the Economy, under Operational Programme “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, procedure BG16RFOP002-2.002“Development of SME’s management capacity and

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Happy holidays from the ANTOAN VILL Team

The ANTOAN VILL Team wish Happy holidays to our partners

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ANTOAN VILL at International Apparel and Textile Fair 2016 in Dubai

ANTOAN VILL participated as an exhibitor at International Apparel and Textile Fair 2016 in Dubai

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ANTOAN VILL on a Tеambuilding in the Mountain

ANTOAN VILL took to the Mountain on a Tеambuilding trip

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ANTOAN VILL at the European Job Day

ANTOAN VILL took part at the European Job Day in Rousse

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ANTOAN VILL at FASHION INDUSTRY TRADE FAIR 10-13 March, Saint Petersburs, Russia

ANTOAN VILL presented its styles at the FASHION INDUSTRY TRADE FAIR 10-13 March, Saint Petersburs, Russia

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The colors of 2016

Every year Pantone color institute selects the color which will dominate the runway and define the designers’ collections throughout the upcoming year. In 2015 this was the passionate and stylish Marsala. For 2016 Pantone selected...

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Trending this season - Jumpsuits

Jumpsuits will be all over the place this year. The trend which started back in 2014 continues in 2016 as well. More and more celebrities and fashionistas choose to dress up in jumpsuits...

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Antoan Vill wishes a Happy New Year to all of our friends and partners!

Antoan Vill wishes a Happy and prosperous New year to all of our clients, friends and partners!

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Антоан Вилл осъществи първата си доставка до Япония

In 2015 we managed to launch our brand on the Japanese market as well. Antoan Vill exported to the land of the rising sun samples of linen garments. This way Tokyo consumers will have the chance to enjoy comfortable clothes in fresh, bright colors du

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ANTOAN VILL donates to the Historical Museum in Rousse

Mrs. Antoaneta Antonova, general manager of ANTOAN VILL, made a donation to the Historical Museum in Rousse.

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